We Put Your Business in The Driver's Seat.
BoatCrazy works with a number of advertisers in order to help them create the most effective advertising campaign possible.
We can assist with advertisement placement, location specific and brand specific publishing. Or for any products or services that match the consumer demographics of people buying boats.
Advanced Advertising Delivery.
We manage direct advertising on BoatCrazy with Google Ad Manager & Display Network. For best results we suggest providing us with the following optimized image sizes. From there we apply the following attributes:
- Advertising URL Showcased
- Budget
- Ad placements & Frequency
- Keyword Optimized
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Boater Demographic Facts &
Boat Usage Facts
Boating is Popular
In 2011, boating participation increased ten percent to 83 million –the largest proportion of adults (34.8 percent) who went boating since 1997(35.8 percent).
Recreational Boating is Seasonal
Boat owners spent an average of 31 days on the water in 2011, up 11% from 28 days in 2010.
Boaters are Middle Class
More than 3 out of 4—77 percent—current boat owners have an average household income of less than $100,000. Sixty-three percent of current boat owners earn less than $75,000 per year.
Most Boats are Small
Of the 12.4 million registered boats in the U.S., 95% are small, trailerable boats. In 2011, nearly 7 out of 10 (68%) boat owners owned a 14' to 29' boat. The share of boats over 30’ long reported as being “heavily used” in 2011 dropped from 34% in 2010 to 26% in 2011, while the share of those under 13’ reported as being “heavily used” rose from 16%.