Benefits of Google Shopping

Increased Visibility

Increased Visibility

Your listings appear in Google Shopping results, reaching more potential buyers.

Accurate Listings

Accurate Listings

Automated feed imports keep your inventory current and precise.

Google Shopping Organic
Targeted Reach

Targeted Reach

Promoted listings help you connect with a specific audience, enhancing buyer interest.

Data-Driven Insights

Data-Driven Insights

Access valuable data on customer behavior and ad performance to refine your marketing strategies.

Google Shopping Promotions

Can Your Boats be found on Google Shopping?

Our Google Merchant Listing service is designed to seamlessly integrate your boat inventory into the Google Shopping network. This is done under our verified Google Merchant partnership, ensuring your listings are trusted and highly visible.

Automated Feed Import

Boatcrazy powers a feed that directly imports your boat listings into Google Shopping. This automated process ensures that your inventory is consistently up-to-date without any manual effort on your part.

Comprehensive Product Information

Each listing includes essential details about your boats. This information includes high-quality images, make, model, price, and other basic information about each unit.

Reach millions of customers on Google with Merchant Center

Choose between our organic and paid Google Merchant Center feeds to match your dealerships needs perfectly.

Get started with Google Merchant Center

Google Shopping is an exceptional organic extension to your boat marketing efforts, a robust platform to showcase your inventory directly within Google’s ecosystem...

Organically! Making Google Merchant Services an indispensable tool for modern boat dealers today.

  • Google Merchant Center
    Free Exposure
    Your boats appear in organic Google Shopping results, reaching a broad audience without cost.
  • Google Merchant Center
    Boatcrazy Efficiency
    Inventory synced with Google within a 24 hours period.
  • Google Merchant Center
    Consistent Visibility
    Keeps your listings visible long-term, driving ongoing traffic and brand recognition.
  • Google Merchant Center
    Seen as more credible by users searching for boats naturally.

Boost Visibility with Google Promoted Listings

Enhance your boat inventory's visibility with a dynamic driven inventory feed. This feed shows boat listings at the top of search as well as featured at the top of the Google Shopping Page.

We target potential buyers in your local area and adjust budgets to maximize lead conversions leading to greater sale opportunities.

  • Google Merchant Center
    Stand out
    Promoted listings will often be presented at the top of Google search, pay only if they click, guaranteeing exposure for your boat.
  • Google Merchant Center
    Targeted Ads
    Target those looking for specific boats, spending budget intelligently with targeted boat keywords.
  • Google Merchant Center
    Budget Management
    We simplify Google Shopping with promoted feeds with our tried and true ad manager account.
  • Google Merchant Center
    We track every interaction to make sure every promoted feed is generated interest & leads.

Boost Your Sales with BoatCrazy
Get More Leads Now!

Reach millions of boat buyers searching for boats on Boatcrazy and on our distribution channels Google shopping, Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist and our affiliate sites. Guaranteed exposure means you can focus on closing deals, not managing listings.

How It Works

Account Setup

Your account will be "merchant enabled" that will trigger an export feed that will power boats in the google shopping network under our Boatcrazy Verified Google Merchant Partnership.

Feed Management

Your boat inventory feed is automatically in sync and refreshes nightly ensuring product continuity across Boatcrazy & Google Merchant.

Monitoring & Optimization

All listings are continuously monitored for the overall performance of the account. Tracking amber & red alerts within your listings to prevent any boat market interruptions.

Paid Promotion

If you choose to promote your feed, your feed will be isolated and be linked via our Google Ad Manager account. Listings will then be promoted through the feed with greater control on the location, attributes and budgets making sure your targeted audience is reached.

Transparent Pricing

Google Merchant Organic Listings

Get the foundation you need with organic listings included in our Pro & Pro Plus plans. Or select Google merchant as an upgrade for $100.

Google Merchant Promoted Listings

Take control with our flat-fee budget management fee of 20%. You set the spend, we optimize your ads for maximum impact.

Google Merchant Services Q&A

Merchant Center is a free tool that helps millions of shoppers on Google discover, explore, and buy your products. With a Merchant Center account, you can upload and manage your product data so that your products appear across Google Search, Maps, YouTube and more.

Creating a Merchant Center account and showing your products on Google is free of cost. You can add and manage your product listings directly from Merchant Center.

When you’re ready, you can supplement your organic listings with paid advertising. Paid product ads show up more prominently and can reach even more potential customers. With our Performance Max campaigns, you choose the goals that you want to achieve, and you’ll never pay more than your monthly budget cap.

You need to be a retailer selling products through a website, in a physical shop or both. To sign up, you’ll need a Google Account. If you don’t have one yet, you can create one for free here. Then go to Merchant Center to tell us about your business, choose where your customers will check out (on your website or at your local shop) and add your products./p>

Our beginner’s guide to Merchant Center can teach you more about getting started and how to manage your presence across Google’s platforms.

Once your products are added and confirmed as eligible, they can show up across different Google surfaces, such as Google Search, Google Maps, YouTube, Google Shopping tab and Google Images.

Learn more about where products show and the requirements.